When I was in college, I used to think blogging was a funny idea. I believed that it was just a way to write a bunch of crap that nobody cared about. I was forced to start a blog for my Digital Communications class, and over this semester I learned to appreciate the art of blogging. A degree and three semesters later, I decided that I would create my own personal blog. I try to blog about specific topics (marketing, relationships, sales, social media) that will help people and encourage them think differently, while using my creativity to add my own view to my advice. The result: Social Spaghetti, a mixing of ideas and thoughts that help people connect in society in a blog format.
These are the reasons that I started to blog:
1) Establish Yourself as an Expert While I know that I am nowhere close to an expert in the fields of marketing, social media, and relationships, they are fields I am interested in and have some knowledge about. Even though I am young, I still have valuable experiences and advice that I can give people. You can learn from my mistakes, take some advice from my thoughts, and avoid some potential blunders. The more you talk about a certain topic, the more people will listen to you. They know what to expect if you are consistent with your topic and provide some quality advice.
2) Stand Out From The Crowd In this economy, any way you can stand out from the crowd is a good thing. I've thoroughly enjoyed blogging the past month because it helps me to distinguish myself from the crowd. Every new blog post means that I have learned something new, whether this is through personal experience, observation, or reading other material. The more I can learn, the better off I will be in the future. The day that you stop learning is the day you stop growing.
3) Connecting with Similar People Like I mentioned previously, if you are consistent with your content, then people that share the same interests will come and read it. If you look at my Twitter account (@MarketingYoung), you can see that the majority of my followers are connecting with marketing, social media, blogging, and advertising. I read a lot of their daily blogs, and hopefully, they read mine as well. Reading, commenting, or replying to these people has helped me make connections across the global marketing community.
4) To Have Fun Will I ever be a top blogger in the field of marketing, social media, and relationships? Very doubtful. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't get some kind of enjoyment from it. Whether it is analyzing how a TV show can teach you about something (Lost or Suits) or looking at the world of social media, I like the things I am talking about. If you do not want to read about Stealth Marketing, then you can skip that blog post or not read it at all. But if you ever lost the enjoyment of writing or thinking of creative articles, then my blog would slowly become outdated and disappear.
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