Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Guys vs. Girls

Guys vs. Girls
As we have moved into a world of social media, we must consider that some platforms work much better for one sex than the other.  This brings up two influential social media sites: Google + and Pinterest.

Google +, the platform that took $580 million to create, allows for you to create different circles of the people you know.  While I believe that a person should aim to be consistent in their life, showing who they are at all times, Google + lets you share certain aspects with only specific people.  The demographic of Google +: it consists of 69.4% males.
Why is this? Well, Google + hasn’t really gone viral or mainstream.  It has a specific niche, with 7 of the top 8 occupations on Google + being: Engineer, Developer, Software Engineer, Designer, Web Developer, Programmer and Software Developer.  Clearly, Google + is for a more computer focused crowd, which happens to be a profession dominated by men.
Pinterest, a pinning website of photos and videos, is about 75% female.  The ratio of my friends on Pinterest is 10:1, favoring the women.  The site was not designed just for women, even though it has been taken over by feminine content ranging from wedding planning and home decorations to recipes and fashion.  The vast amounts of crafting and hair advice, among other things, just does not encourage men to participate.  Even though a similar site, Gentlemint, was created for only men, it has been mostly unsuccessful and men have ever so slowly started joining Pinterest.

The main things we can learn: women love images and they love collecting.  They find it relaxing to look at photos of things they are interested it.  Due to women being more emotional, caring, and nurturing than men, they trust more easily than men.  This allows for them to trust the content of their following and followers, providing for more sales and interactive campaigns on Pinterest.
If you are a company targeting women consumers, you needed to be on Pinterest with a marketing campaign yesterday. 

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